Erased season 1 in Hindi dubbed


"Erased" is a captivating anime series that seamlessly blends mystery, thriller, and supernatural elements. The story follows Satoru Fujinuma, a struggling manga artist who possesses an extraordinary ability called "Revival," which allows him to go back in time moments before a life-threatening event occurs. When his mother is murdered, Satoru is sent back 18 years to his childhood, where he must prevent a series of tragic incidents, including the abduction and murder of his classmates.

As Satoru navigates his past, he not only attempts to uncover the identity of the killer but also confronts unresolved issues from his childhood. The series masterfully intertwines themes of redemption, friendship, and the consequences of one's actions.

"Erased" received widespread acclaim from both critics and audiences alike for its gripping narrative, well-developed characters, and stunning animation. Its suspenseful plot twists keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end. With a compelling storyline that explores the complexities of human nature and the power of second chances, "Erased" has earned a stellar rating of [The IMDb rating for "Erased" Season 1 is 8.5/10. It's a pretty solid score!] on popular anime databases.

Overall, "Erased" is a must-watch for anime enthusiasts and anyone looking for a thrilling and emotionally resonant viewing experience.

Watch or download full episode in Hindi dubbed [fan dubbed]

Erased season 1 Google Drive

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